
Someone shared with me that when an artist weaves a tapestry the side we see is beautiful – a work of art. On the back is the tale of hard work – full of knots and threads going every which way – pin pricks and numb fingertips, hours of effort and start overs. It’s the same with us – works of art in progress. God working through our lives building us story by story – moment to moment – into who we are and who we will be.

It’s awesome to see how ordinary moments, ones we sometimes overlook, add up to extraordinary lives…

Some of what I share here is me stopping in the midst of the everyday and saying ‘Hey, look at this – it’s amazing, it needs to be shared’. Sometimes it’s having seen another brave life endure and triumph.  More often than not it’s my attempt to point to an awesome God who abounds in creativity and wonder and wants us to stop long enough to share the awe. Whatever the source, I pray as you read, God will encourage your heart – and you will, in turn, touch another life.


The real me:   I’m just an average woman/wife/mom/friend who has been radically changed by an anything but average Father in heaven. I’ve been a Christian for over thirty-five years and every day is new with Him. I write for an audience of One, but find so much joy when what I share in words helps another soul. I have three grown children, five grandchildren. I’ve been married to the only man for me for 37 years and love him more everyday. I lead a neighborhood Bible study and love all the sharing and caring that comes from that. My outlook on life is: this earth journey is hard, but this isn’t all there is. Keep an eternal perspective!


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